• Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

    Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Robotic Heart Surgery program was started in 2008. With over 15 yrs. andwith 3,000+ procedures performed; minimally invasive cardiac surgery program has grown to be the largest in the country.

  • Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

    Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Robotic Heart Surgery program was started in 2008. With over 15 yrs. and with 3,000+ procedures performed; minimally invasive cardiac surgery program has grown to be the largest in the country.

Showing posts with label What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do. Show all posts

What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do


What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do
What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do

What is a Cardiac Surgeon? What They Do


When it comes to your heart, you want the best possible care. Cardiac surgeons are medical professionals who specialize in treating heart problems. They can perform treatments for conditions like coronary artery disease, valve defects, and aneurysms of the aorta. Here is everything you need to know about what a cardiac surgeon does and how they can help your health.

What is a cardiac surgeon?

Cardiac surgeons are medical doctors who perform heart surgery. They are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, as well as how to repair or replace parts of the cardiovascular system. Cardiac surgeons work with a team of other medical specialists, including nurses, anesthesiologists and cardiologists.

Cardiac surgeons also may be known by some other titles: cardiovascular surgeons (often shortened to “cardio”) or cardiothoracic surgeons (CT).

What is cardiac surgery?

A heart attack is a condition in which the blood supply to part of your heart is interrupted. When this happens, the muscle tissue of that area dies because it doesn't get enough oxygen. If you have a severe heart attack and don't get medical help fast enough, you may be left with permanent damage to your heart muscle.

Heart valve replacement surgery replaces damaged valves in your heart with artificial ones. The procedure can improve blood flow through your body and help prevent further complications from developing down the road.

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery creates new routes for blood to travel within the coronary arteries by inserting tubes made from synthetic material called Dacron (a type of plastic). This helps keep oxygen-rich blood flowing smoothly through the body so that muscles can continue working properly without interruption despite clogged arteries or narrowed passageways caused by plaques forming on them over time due to high cholesterol levels or other factors such as aging processes affecting these areas directly around vessels instead where normal organ functions take place normally during healthy conditions such as eating healthy food choices but could lead into an unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking cigarettes which puts more pressure onto those areas leading up till they burst open causing death eventually if untreated properly because they aren't getting enough oxygen while being pumped outwards into organs which needs energy provided by nutrients coming from food sources rather than just relying on water alone because otherwise they would die within hours if not minutes depending upon how much fat there'd been consumed previously throughout life span  when combined w/insufficient amounts o'F sugarless sweeteners; however having too many kinds such as honeydew melons adds up its own health risks including stomach pains after eating too much raw fruit...

What are the different types of cardiac surgeons?

Cardiac surgeons are doctors who specialize in treating heart disease. Cardiothoracic surgeons, as they're known, perform open-heart surgery and other procedures on the heart and lungs. They also treat patients with conditions such as:

  • Heart attacks

  • Heart failure

  • Congenital heart defects (birth defects of the heart)

What does a cardiac surgeon treat?

Cardiac surgeons treat heart problems, including:

  • Congenital heart disease. A condition that is present at birth and affects the heart's structure or function

  • Valvular heart disease. A condition in which one or more of the valves of your heart are not working properly

  • Heart rhythm disorders, including arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation (AF)

Cardiac surgeons may also treat other types of adult congenital defects, such as coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease, which affect blood flow from your heart to other parts of your body.

What procedures are done by cardiac surgeons?

  • Open heart surgery

  • Heart valve repair or replacement

  • Heart transplantation

Why see a cardiac surgeon and what should I expect?

If you're facing heart trouble, a cardiac surgeon is the only doctor who can effectively treat your problem. Cardiac surgeons are experts in treating and repairing heart conditions that other physicians may be unable to handle.

Do I need a referral to see a cardiac surgeon?

If you have a life-threatening heart condition, you should see a cardiac surgeon without questions. If you aren’t sure if your condition is life-threatening and would like to discuss it with a cardiologist, then yes—a referral is needed.

They can help determine whether or not the care of a cardiac surgeon is necessary. If this happens to be the case, they will also write up any necessary referrals for other doctors who may need to see or treat you.


Cardiac surgeons are highly trained physicians who perform surgery on the heart. They diagnose and treat conditions that affect the heart, including coronary artery disease (CAD), valve disease, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), aortic aneurysm repair and other complex congenital heart defects. Cardiac surgeons also perform open-heart surgeries such as replacement of a heart valve or reconstruction of the mitral or tricuspid valves.


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