• Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

    Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Robotic Heart Surgery program was started in 2008. With over 15 yrs. andwith 3,000+ procedures performed; minimally invasive cardiac surgery program has grown to be the largest in the country.

  • Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

    Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Robotic Heart Surgery program was started in 2008. With over 15 yrs. and with 3,000+ procedures performed; minimally invasive cardiac surgery program has grown to be the largest in the country.

Showing posts with label Heart Surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart Surgery. Show all posts

5 Common Myths About Robotic Heart Surgery


5 Common Myths About Robotic Heart Surgery.


Robotic heart surgery is a relatively new and growing field, but it's not without its share of myths. This article will help you understand what robotic heart surgery is really about and bust some common misconceptions.

Heart surgery is scary, and a lot of rumors have sprung up about the procedure.

Heart surgery can be scary, and a lot of rumors have sprung up about the procedure. It's important to know what's true and what's not—especially if you or someone you love is scheduled for heart surgery.

There are many myths about robotic heart surgery, including:

  • The robot will make your organs explode. This is false! The robot simply helps surgeons perform their work more accurately and efficiently than they could with human hands alone.

  • Heart surgery requires you to go into cardiac arrest before being revived by your doctor (who also happens to be playing God). This isn't true either! In fact, some patients choose not to have general anesthesia at all when undergoing robotic coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) because it allows them more control over their bodies during the procedure.

It's cutting-edge–but that doesn't mean it's unproven.

Robotic heart surgery has been around for almost 20 years. It's not new, but it is cutting-edge–and that doesn't mean it's unproven. Robotic heart surgery has been used in more than a million procedures worldwide since 2000, so it's certainly established itself as a viable option for many patients and their surgeons. In fact, robotic-aided heart surgery is now performed more often than traditional open-heart procedures in the United States and Europe combined. The results are also impressive: A study published in The Lancet showed that patients who underwent robotic heart valve replacement had significantly better outcomes compared with those who underwent conventional open-heart valve repair or replacement by itself (1).

It's not done by robots.

The first myth that we'll tackle is that robotic heart surgery is done by robots. It's not! Robotic heart surgery is performed by a surgeon, who uses robotic tools to achieve a better, more precise result than could be achieved without them.

The most important tool in this regard is the da Vinci surgical system. This machine allows surgeons to see inside the body with smaller incisions (1-3 cm) or no incisions at all, which reduces trauma and scarring and makes it easier for patients to recover after their operation.

Robotic heart surgery is not always off-limits because of your age or your health.

  • Age. While it's true that a person's age can make him or her ineligible for certain procedures, age is not always a factor in determining eligibility for robotic heart surgery. In fact, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), some doctors believe that older adults actually benefit from robotic heart procedures more than younger patients.

  • Health status and other medical conditions. Many people believe that if they are overweight or have high blood pressure, diabetes or other chronic illnesses, then they cannot have robotic heart surgery because their health will be too poor to withstand such an operation. However, this isn't necessarily true; your doctor will consider any medical conditions you may have before he makes recommendations about what type of procedure would be best for you after reviewing your case history and performing a physical exam on you.*

It can be done with just a couple small incisions in your chest.

However, the incisions that are made in order to access the heart are typically small. The surgeon will make an incision of about an inch long in your chest wall. This incision is made through the breast tissue and not under it.

The second incision is usually made under your breast tissue or through your nipple (mastectomy patients only). This is because there's no need for robotic arms to reach deep into the chest cavity like they would during traditional open-heart surgery.

A lot of what you've heard about robotic heart surgery isn't true!

  • Not all patients are eligible for robotic heart surgery. In fact, most surgeons may not be able to perform a robotic-assisted heart operation on you because they don't have the proper training or equipment. If you live far away from an appropriate hospital or if your condition is too complex, then it might be impossible to have this type of procedure done at all.

  • Surgery cannot be done through small incisions in the chest like traditional open-heart procedures were before the advent of minimally invasive surgery methods such as minimally invasive valve replacement or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Robotic-assisted left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation requires at least one large incision in the patient's upper abdomen (bellybutton).

  • Robotic-assisted heart surgeries are not always cutting edge because they aren't as new and experimental as many people assume them to be—they actually date back several years now! Nevertheless, there's no denying that this type of surgical intervention has made major strides forward since its introduction into mainstream medicine back when it was first developed by Drs Norman Shumway and Frank Gerhardt during their time at Stanford University Medical Center between 1973 and 1982.


The truth is, robotic heart surgery is a safe, effective option for many patients. It can help you avoid some of the risks associated with conventional approaches and improve your overall quality of life. If you think this procedure might be right for you, ask your doctor about it today!


Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery | 5 Key Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery | 5 Key Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery
 Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Key Benefits of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Heart surgery can be a scary prospect, but there is good news. Heart surgery can now be done in minimally invasive techniques that reduce or eliminate the need for open heart surgery. Common examples include coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and valve repair as well as aortic valve replacement. Of course, some surgeries require open, but if you ever need to consider a heart procedure, you’ll want to be able to have a more informed discussion with your doctor.

If you’ve been told that you or a loved one needs heart surgery, you may wonder about your options. You may have heard of open heart surgery, but have you heard about minimally invasive heart surgery?

A minimal invasive approach to the health of your heart is a beneficial alternative to traditional open-heart surgeries. So learn the advantages, and then be prepared to have a more informed discussion with your doctor if this is an option for you.

What is open-heart surgery?

Instead of making one large incision and cutting the breastbone, a minimally invasive procedure involves making multiple small incisions to insert a special instrument called a catheter into your heart. The surgeon then uses this tool to guide two wires into your heart.  The camera allows the surgeon to perform the procedure with precision as well as monitor the surgical area until it's fully healed.

Minimally invasive heart surgery can be used for the following procedures:

  • Ventricular assist device
  • Atrial septal repair
  • Tricuspid valve repair
  • Aortic valve repair
  • Mitral valve replacement
  • Coronary bypass

Heart surgery is most often performed as a minimally invasive procedure, but there are many factors that should be considered when determining which approach will be best for your particular situation. Our surgeons are highly trained in all types of minimally invasive heart surgeries and can help you determine whether a traditional open heart surgery or one by more advanced techniques is right for your future.

5 key benefits of minimally invasive heart surgery

5 key benefits of minimally invasive heart surgery
5 Key Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Less pain:

Patients who undergo heart surgery have significantly less pain and discomfort than patients who undergo traditional open-heart surgeries. Drastically reducing the incision required by minimally invasive heart surgery minimizes pain and other issues related to anesthesia and surgery, allowing them to be better managed by the health care team.

Less scarring

If you need open heart surgery, you will experience extensive scarring. Severe scarring can take up to a month to go away and may leave noticeable marks on your chest. With minimally invasive heart surgery, patients are not left with scars where the incision was made.

Shorter hospital stay: 

Shorter hospital stay is when people who have minimal invasive heart surgery return home within 2-5 days of surgery instead of the 8-10 days that is typical of patients who opt for open-heart surgery. In addition, the use of minimally invasive procedures means less blood loss, less pain from the procedure and less postoperative complications such as pneumonia, kidney failure and acute heart failure.

Faster recovery: 

Heart surgery can be traumatic to the body. But minimally invasive heart surgery reduces the amount of trauma on a patient's body, allowing them to heal in a matter of days instead of weeks. Patients are able to return to work and their regular activities much sooner than is possible with open-heart surgery.

Lower complication risk: 

Minimally invasive heart surgeries have the advantage of a lower risk of complications, infections and bleeding. This is especially true in the case of single-ventricular replacements and mitral valve repairs.

When considering a surgical procedure, we consider your medical history, age and general health status in order to provide you with the best possible treatment. To inquire about surgery options or scheduling a personal consultation, contact us https://www.micsheart.com


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